Product DescriptionPriceAdd To Cart
Foam Roller $55.00
Theraband Green $10.00
Toe Spacers $5.00
Toe Sox $20.00
Move Active Socks $20.00
Peanut $10.00
Theraband Red $10.00
Neck Stretch $25.00
Pilates Foam Arc $150.00
Trigger point rubber ball $10.00
Spikey ball $12.00
Pilates Ball $10.00
PackageNo. of SessionsDurationPriceAdd To Cart
Duet x 10 (1 person) 10 12 Months $525.00
Duet x 5 (1 person) 5 12 Months $280.00
Introductory Package - Mat Pilates (30min Private + 2x Mat classes) 3 12 Months $75.00
Introductory Package 1A - Studio Pilates (IC + 2x 60min Privates) 3 12 Months $250.00
Introductory Package 1B - Studio Pilates (IC + 1x 60min Private + 2x Semi-privates) 4 12 Months $250.00
Introductory Package 2 - Studio Pilates (IC + 2x 30min Privates) 4 12 Months $225.00
Introductory Package 3 - Studio Pilates (2x IC + 2x 60min Duet sessions, inc 2 people) 6 12 Months $375.00
Introductory Package 4 - Home Program (IC + 2x 45min Privates) 3 12 Months $210.00
Mat class single 1 12 Months $25.00
Mat Pilates x 10 10 12 Months $200.00
Mat Pilates x 6 6 12 Months $135.00
Private (30min) x 10 10 12 Months $470.00
Private (30min) x 5 5 12 Months $260.00
Private (45min) x 10 10 12 Months $660.00
Private (45min) x 5 5 12 Months $355.00
Private (60min) x 5 5 12 Months $450.00
Private (60min) x10 10 12 Months $850.00
Semi-private single 1 12 Months $52.00
Semi-private x 10 10 12 Months $440.00
Semi-Private x 5 5 12 Months $247.50
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